You can learn to shrink wrap on-line for free, by watching the Shrink Wrap Video:

The shrink wrap videos explains the tools, accessories, and steps involved and have all been broken into segments for easy online viewing.

How to Shrink Wrap a Boat

This quick how-to video shows you how to shrink wrap your boat for storage. 6 and 7-mil shrink wrap is recommended for boat storage.

How to Shrink Wrap a Sailboat Mast Up

Learn from the professionals at Dr. Shrink on how to wrap any size sailboat without the need to remove the mast. Ideal for winter storage.

How-to Shrink Wrap Equipment / Full Encapsulation Shrink Wrap

This short how-to video shows you the process of shrink wrapping a piece of equipment for full encapsulation.

How to Shrink Wrap Patio Furniture

Shrink wrapping patio furniture sure sounds scary, doesn't it? Well, it's not. It's a treat. A real goll-dern treat.

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